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Version 2.00
Binkley/Milquetoast Log Analyzer - BinkLA Version 2.00
Copyright 1991 1992 by R.J. (Bob) Ross - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
SysOp - RJ's Byteline BBS - FidoNet 1:134/75
24 May, 1992
Short Preamble
BinkLA is a filter program to extract information contained in the
Binkely log file generated by the BinkleyTerm program. It provides a
summary of the incoming/outgoing calls, mail/file transfers, session
costs and BBS caller activity over the period covered by the Binkley
log file. BinkLA requires that LogLevel 5 be set in your Binkley.Cfg
file to provide sufficient detail for BinkLA to produce it's output
BinkLA requires a minimum of 128K of memory and DOS 3.0 or higher to
successfully run.
This version of BinkLA is a total re-write of the code from previous
versions 1.05 and below. BinkLA now uses a binary read procedure to
read the log file. This provides about a 30% increase in speed and
should obviate any previous problems where BinkLA encountered garbage
characters in the log file which, in some cases, contained end of file
characters which abruptly terminated the read. This version also
incorporates it's own internal sort routines to sort the temporary
files generated by BinkLA but retains the option (SP=) to use an
external sort program.
BinkLA versions above version 1.05 will no longer support log files
produced using versions of BinkleyTerm prior to Version 2.40.
I've attempted to make BinkLA as simple as possible to run while still
allowing for many advanced features. The advanced features are
outlined in the Command Line Switches portion of this document.
BinkLA now supports a language file which will allow you to customize
the BinkLA output report and/or change any of the key phrases used by
BinkLA where parallel changes are made to the Binkley.Lng file. The
BinkLAE.Lng file is only required if you want to make changes described
above. Otherwise it's not required for the normal operation of BinkLA
and you can safely hide it someplace where BinkLA.Exe can't find it. It
should be noted though that if BinkLAE.Lng file is found in the same
directory as BinkLA.Exe then BinkLA will read, parse and use the file
by default. The default filename may be changed using the LNG= command
line option to select an alternate language file, drive and/or path.
Remarks in the sample BinkLAE.Lng file provide further details.
I claim no credit for any portion of BinkleyTerm or QSort programs.
BinkleyTerm is copyright by Bit Bucket Software, Co. QSort Text Sort
program is copyright by Ben Baker.
Licence Agreement
BinkLA is free. It's my small contribution to the hobby. It may be
freely copied and distributed. I do request that you register your
copy of BinkLA though. This is primarily to feed my ego and satisfy my
curiosity on where my programs are being used. I have a world map on my
wall and stick map pins in at the geographical location of known users
of my programs. Please see Register.txt included with this
documentation. If you use BinkLA I ask that you take a few moments to
register it.
- 2 -
BinkLA is distributed "as is" and is guaranteed to do nothing except take
up space on your disk. I do hope that you will find it more useful
though. It does run on my IBM clone machine and the IBM compatible
machines that it has been beta tested on.
A Kick Start
For a "kick start" just place BinkLA.EXE in any convenient directory on
your hard disk but preferably in the same directory that Binkley
creates it's log file in. At the DOS prompt, type BinkLA -H to display
the help screen.
Command Line Switches
BINKLA [<-switches>] [LNG=langfilename] [LOG=logfilename]
[SP=external_Sort_program] [@ResponseFile]
Switches, LNG=langfilename, LOG=logfile SP=sort_program and
@ResponseFile are optional and may be given in any order. Parsing of
switches -H, -LL and -SN, are in -SN, -H and -LL order and are
exclusive for obvious reasons. If no command line arguments are given,
BinkLA defaults to creating BkLARpt.Txt and uses the BinkleyTerm
(Binkley.LOG) in the default directory.
No switch on the command line will produce BkLARpt.Txt
providing that BinkLA resides in the same directory as the
Binkley log file and a log file exists in the name of
-BBS Will produce a coloured ansi file called BKLARpt.Bbs
which should be suitable for a BBS display. The file
starts with a clear screen ascii character 12 followed by
a Maximus compatible more prompt character 5.
-D Will make a data file BkLARpt.Dat containing the data,
plus some additional data, displayed in Part I of the
output report (BkLARpt.Txt) file. BkLARpt.Dat is a comma
delimited text file which may be useful for other
applications. A record field description of BkLARpt.Dat
file is outlined in Annex B to this document file.
-EXN This is a very powerful cloaking feature which will allow
you to exclude whole Zones, Networks, and/or Nodes etc
from BKLARpt.Txt. Example: -EXN,Net:Node (ie -EXN,1:134)
will exclude a whole Network. -EXN,1:,2: would exclude all
Zone 1 and Zone 2 Network Nodes. -EXN,1:134/75 would
exclude only Node 75 in Zone 1 Net 134. Note: -EXN
parameters are delimited by a comma (,). A maximum of 10
parameters may be used. If this feature is used, BinkLA will
behave as though no log entry occurred for the stated -EXN
-H A brief help screen which describes the switches used to
determine the program options or behaviour.
- 3 -
-KTF Will cause the temporary work files created by BinkLA to
be retained. Record descriptions are provided in Annex
B. Temporary files created are:
BkLAMTmp.$$$ - created to hold data extracted from
the log file to produce Part I of the
BinkLA output report file to
summarize mail transfers and
incoming/outgoing calls.
BkLAMTmp.$$S - Sorted output from BkLAMTmp.$$$
BkLAMDtl.$$$ - created to hold data extracted from
the log file to produce the Message
Transfer Detailed portion of BKLARpt.
This file is only created if the -MD
command line option is used.
BkLAFTmp.$$$ - created to hold data extracted from
the log file to produce Part II of
the BinkLA output report file to
itemize file transfers.
BkLAFTmp.$$S - Sorted output from BkLAFTmp.$$$
BkLACTmp.$$$ - A picture image of Session Cost Part
III portions of the output report
minus the closing last line.
-L List BkLARpt.Txt to the screen after it has been produced
by BinkLA. The list procedure supports PgUp, PgDn, left,
right, up down arrow keys, Esc and X to exit.
-LL Will list that last created BkLARpt.Txt if BinkLA is run
from it's home directory and BkLARpt.Txt exists.
-MD Will produce a detailed Message Transfer output in
chronological sequence by Zone:Net/Number giving the
outgoing/incoming byes and CPS rates. The report will
immediately follow Part I - Message Transfers and Calls
-MT Use MilqueToast log entries to produce BKLARpt.*. If
this switch is used, BinkLA will only look at log entries
that contain the keyword "MILQ" in columns 19-22 of the
log file. It should be noted also that the default log
file name remains as Binkley.Log. Another log file name
can be selected using the LOG= command line option if
required. See below for details on this option.
-NHA By default, BinkLA will use high ascii characters to draw
the boxes for the BkLARpt.Txt file output report. Using
the -NHA switch will make BinkLA use only low ascii
characters (|-+) to draw borders and boxes for the report.
- 4 -
-SN System Name. Allows you to modify the BINKLA.EXE program
to include your System Name. If this switch is selected
you will be prompted to enter your System Name. Upon
completion, BinkLA will modify itself and exit to DOS.
Subsequent runs that generate BkDLARpt.Txt will then print
your System Name at the top of the output report. BinkLA
versions 1.05 and below obtained this information from the
Binkley.cfg file.
NOTE: The -SN option will not work if you compress
BINKLA.EXE using an execute file compressor (LZEXE,
PKLITE, etc) prior to modifying the BINKLA execute file to
include your System Name. If you do, I can almost
guarantee that you will lock up your computer if you try
to run BINKLA after compression. You should be able to
use the -SN option to add your System Name and then
compress the execute file though.
-SUP A powerful cloaking feature that will allow you to
suppress the display of selected file names in Part II of
BkLARpt.Txt. Example -SUP,.LZH,.ZIP will suppress display
of all files with an extension of LZH and ZIP.
-SUP,Nodediff will suppress display of all files that
match "NODEDIFF". Note: Filename parameters are
delimited by a comma (,). A maximum of 10 parameters may
be used.
LNG= Use an alternate BinkLA language/translate file. The
alternate language file may reside in another directory
or on another drive as long as the drive/path is
included. Example: LNG=D:\Path\Alternate.Lng. The
drive\path is optional if the language file is located in
the same directory as BinkLA.
LOG= LOG=drive:\path\log filename,filename,filename. Allows
BinkLA to run using log file name other than Binkley.Log
in the default directory or to run on a drive or in a
directory other than where the log file is maintained by
Binkley, or to process multiple log files up to a maximum
of 14 log files.
NOTE: If more than one log file is to be processed, they
MUST be delimited with a comma (,) and no leading or
trailing spaces.
Example -
A maximum of 14 logs may be processed into one BKLARpt.*
output report using this method. BinkLA will get its
StartLog time from the first called binkley log and it's
EndTime from the last called log. If the first log does
not exist, BinkLA will terminate with a "File not found"
error. Having successfully found the first log, any
subsequent called log files that can't be found will be
displayed at the bottom of the BKLARpt.* report as not
- 5 -
SP= SP=sort_program. With this option, BinkLA can use an
external sort program to sort selected temporary files
created and required by BinkLA. An external sort program
is probably only required when HUGE log files are
porcessed. A selected sort program must be able to accept
DOS re-direction. Example: QSort < infile > outfile. If
the SP=sort_program option is used, BinkLA will search
your path for the program. If the program cannot be
located BinkLA will then look for your DOS sort program
@ ResponseFile<.ext>. Example: @D:\Path\RJROSS.RSP. A
text file containing command line switches/options. Only
the first line of the response file is read by BinkLA so
all desired switches/options must be on line one.
The maximum number of characters that can be returned to the program on
the command line is 124. Using a response file (@RspFile), the line
length in the response file can be extended to 32767 characters.
Some resident virus detectors may complain about BinkLA.EXE being
modified when you use the -SN switch. Also see NOTE under -SN
regarding compressing BinkLA.EXE.
As mentioned earlier, BinkLA creates some temporary work files. If you
run out of disk space while BinkLA is executing, this is probably the
reason why. The solution; more disk space or smaller log files. Unless
you use the -KTF switch, the work files will be deleted from your disk
when BinkLA has completed it's final output report. The used disk space
consumed by the temporary files will then be returned to your system.
If BinkLA crashes for any unknown reason, chances are that there will
be some temporary files left on your disk. It's safe to delete them.
If you run BinkLA from a batch file the program will exit with an error
level of 0 on successful completion. An error level of 1 will be
returned to DOS if BinkLA fails for any reason.
- 6 -
I will endeavour to respond to and correct any reported bugs. I can
only respond though if log file samples are sent to me at FidoNet
1:134/75 so that I may analyze any reported problems and make
appropriate corrective action. It takes a LARGE sampling of Binkley
logs from various systems to make BinkLA as accurate as possible.
Please realize that although, BinkLA is freeware, it costs real out of
pocket money to develop and distribute BinkLA both by myself and the
SysOps who are gracious enough to distribute it over the FidoNet
Software Distribution Network (SDN) and other networks.
The output of BinkLA is not cast in stone. I'm always open to
suggestions to improve the report or this documentation. I started
development of BinkLA in December, 1989 while I was a Hub and mail
relay in Net 1:163. Through the process of suggestions from interested
SysOps, it has evolved into what it is today. Some users may notice
that BinkLA looks a lot like FDLA, the FrontDoor Log Analyzer. That's
because I also wrote FDLA. Both programs share many of the same
features. BinkLA and FDLA data file output are compatible as well.
Those individuals who may want to modify the output of BinkLA have some
creative flexibility using the BinkLAE.Lng file. Others may like to
roll their own reports using the data file(s) that BinkLA creates.
Examples of some other reports are demonstrated in BkLAConn and
BkLARpts which are included with the BinkLA package. Still others may
gleam ideas from BinkLA and write their own Binkley log analyzer
program. That's what makes this hobby interesting and fun!
The latest version of BinkLA (Beta or otherwise) will always be
available at RJ's Byteline BBS, FidoNet 1:134/75, using magic file name
BinkLA or may be downloaded from File Area 1 without prior
registration. I have no objections to anybody using or distributing
any beta versions of BinkLA that I issue to make corrections to the
official release(s). I will not personally ask SDS nodes to distribute
any beta copies that I produce. My system presently uses a Courier
HST DS V32b V42b modem for high speed V32 and HST connections.
BinkLA source code will not be distributed through SDS channels with
the BinkLA executables but will be available for file request using
magic filename BKLASRC or; it may be download from File Area 1 on my
system commencing with Version 2.00. For those interested, BinkLA is
written using Microsoft QuickBASIC Version 4.5 and linked with Crescent
Software, Inc library QuickPak Professional.
A sample output of BinkLA BkLARpt.Txt file is included as Annex A to this
document file. Field and record descriptions for the files created by
BinkLA are included as Annex B.
Yours truly,
R.J. (Bob) Ross
Annex A
Sample output of BKLARpt.Txt.
Binkley.Log BinkLA Version 2.00
RJ's Byteline - FidoNet 1:134/75
Binkley Log Statistics for the period
13 Oct 03:05:46 Hrs -- to -- 14 Oct 03:00:00 Hrs
│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ Part I - Message Transfers & Calls │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
│Zone:Net/Node │ Telephone Calls │ Message Bytes │ CPS │ Tran│
│ Number │ Out │ Connect │ In │ Outgoing │ Incoming │ Avg │ Min│
│1:100/555 2 1 0 0 6,147 768 0.1│
│1:134/0 0 3 3 0 3,887 555 0.1│
│1:134/1 3 2 2 0 295,589 1615 3.0│
│1:134/14 5 1 0 0 0 0 0.0│
│1:134/2 0 9 9 0 25,759 677 0.6│
│1:30124/1 0 3 3 171,989 0 1055 2.7│
│ TOTALS 10 19 17 171,989 331,382 1261 6.7│
│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ PART II - Network File Transfers │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
│Zone:Net/Node │ │ File Bytes │ CPS │ Tran│
│ Number │ File Names │ Outgoing │ Incoming │ Rate │ Min│
│1:134/14 0086000E.REQ 26 0 26 0.0│
│1:134/14 SCANV84.ZIP 0 89,472 232 6.4│
│1:134/14 VSHLD84.ZIP 0 78,080 233 5.6│
│ TOTALS 3 26 167,552 232 12.0│
│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ PART III - Network Session Costs │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
│Zone:Net/Node │ Logged At │ Session Time │ Cost │
│ Number │ Date │ Time │ Hrs │ Mins │ Secs │ │
│1:100/555 13 Oct 07:40:15 00 01 00 $ 0.20 │
│░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ PART IV - SUMMARY │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
│ BBS Callers at 14400 = 3 │ Message Bytes Transferred = 503,371│
│ 9600 = 3 │ File Bytes Transferred = 167,578│
│ 2400 = 2 │ TOTAL Bytes Transferred = 670,949│
│ 1200 = 0 ├──────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ Other = │ Message Connect Time = 0.1│
│ TOTAL BBS Calls = 8 │ File Transfer Connect Time = 0.2│
│ │ TOTAL Connect Time (Hours) = 0.3│
│ Net Password Errors = 0 │ TOTAL Network Session Costs = $ 0.20│
│ Net Nuisance Calls = 0 ├──────────────────────────────────────────┤
│ │ Unsuccessful Connect Attempts= 8│
Annex B
Record description for file BkLARpt.Dat
Field Data Type Remarks
ZoneNetNode STRING A fixed length string of 15 characters
containing the Zone:Net/Node number.
CallsOut INTEGER Positive numbers up to 32,767 which
contains a count of the number of
outgoing telephone calls.
Connect INTEGER A count of the number of successful
telephone connects which includes both
outgoing and incoming connects.
CallsIn INTEGER A count of the number of incoming
telephone calls.
MByteOut LONG Positive numbers up to 2,147,483,647
which contains the total number of
message bytes transmitted to a
MByteIn LONG Total number of message bytes received
from a ZoneNetNode.
MTimeOut INTEGER Total transmission time (in seconds) to
transmit the total bytes in MByteOut.
MTimeIn INTEGER Total transmission time (in seconds) to
receive the total bytes in MByteIn.
MByteOutIn LONG MByteOut + MByteIn
MTimeOutIn LONG MTimeOut + MTimeIn
MTimeMinute SINGLE precision floating point decimal. Total
transfer time (MTimeOut + MTimeIn) / 60.
- 2 -
Record description for temporary work files BkLAMTmp.$$$ & BkLAMTmp.$$S
Field Data Type Remarks
ZoneNetNode STRING Fixed Length 15 characters contains
Zone:Net/Node number.
MCallsOut INTEGER Number of telephone calls out. Always 1
or 0.
MConnect INTEGER Number of successful telephone connects.
Always 1 or 0.
MCallsIn INTEGER Number of telephone calls in. Always 1
or 0.
MByteOut LONG Number of mail bytes transmitted during
a mail session.
MByteIn LONG Number of mail bytes received during a
mail session.
MTimeOut INTEGER Number of seconds to transmit MByteOut.
MTimeIn INTEGER Number of seconds to receive MByteIn.
- 3 -
Record description for temporary work files BkLAMDtl.$$$ (created if
the -MD switch is used on the command line)
Field Data Type Remarks
ZoneNetNode STRING Fixed Length 15 characters contains
Zone:Net/Node number.
MByteOut LONG Mail bytes transmitted.
CPSOut INTEGER Transmission CPS of outgoing mail.
MByteIn LONG Mail bytes received.
CPSIn INTEGER Transmission CPS of incoming mail.
- 4 -
Record description for BkLAFTmp.$$$ & BkLAFTmpF.$$S
Field Data Type Remarks
ZoneNetNode STRING Fixed length string of 15 characters
containing the Zone:Net/Node number.
FileNm STRING Fixed length string of 12 characters
containing the outgoing/incoming DOS
FileByteOut LONG Size in bytes of transmitted file.
FileByteIn LONG Size in bytes of received file.
FileCPS INTEGER Transmission CPS of outgoing/incoming